Web Site (www.ontruck.com/en) and Ontruck App
Version updated as of April 19th, 2021
In accordance with the provisions of Articles. 13 and 14 of REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of April 27, 2016, on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereinafter, "GDPR"), articles 6 and 11 of Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights (hereinafter "LOPDGDD") and Law 34/2002 of 11 July, Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce ("LSSICE"), the data of users, customers and candidates will be incorporated into the Register of Processing Activities owned by NINJATRUCK, S.L. ("Ontruck"), with NIF B-98.732.290 and registered office in Príncipe de Vergara 109, 2º floor, 28002 Madrid.
For this purpose, Ontruck makes available an email (privacy@Ontruck.com) to all users of Social Networks, the APP and the Website (www.ontruck.com/en).
It is also reported that Ontruck has the following profiles in the main social networks on the Internet (Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Youtube, Google Plus, Blog and Newsletter).
It is recognized as processor of the data of its users, followers, or persons who make comments through these. Also, in accordance with the Law of services of the information society and electronic commerce Ontruck is exempt from any liability for comments from users and followers on their social networks.
Ontruck may use the profiles described above to inform its users of topics it considers of interest.
The purpose of the processing of personal data is:
• With respect to the users of the Ontruck website or app (the "Users"), the provision of the Ontruck brokerage service and all services associated with it (i.e. issuance of invoices, etc.), they have expressly consented to the processing of data when registering on the platform;
• With respect to suppliers, customers or other third parties (the "Customers" or the “Providers”), to meet the commitments generated by the respective contracts, the legal basis for the processing of the data being the contract itself; and
• With respect to potential candidates for work at Ontruck (the "Candidates"), the possibility of participating in the selection processes (current and future) of Ontruck, expressly consenting to the processing of data when sending the CV.
• Regarding potential Ontruck customers, both at the level of recruitment or commercial communications, the basis of legitimacy will be the express consent of them.
In any case, Users, Clients, Candidates and Social Network Users, if any, (jointly, the "data subjects") may withdraw their consent, at any time, by sending an e-mail to privacy@Ontruck.com or by addressing their request to the postal address Príncipe de Vergara 109, 2º planta, 28002 Madrid.
For the purposes of clarification, in the case of Users or Customers who are legal entities, they are expressly obliged to communicate and inform their employees/staff/collaborators of the Ontruck Data Policy and to obtain their consent when so determined by current legislation.
In addition, the data derived from any communication (via electronic, telephone, etc.) will also be incorporated into our Processing Activities Register.
Data subjects may contact the Ontruck Data Protection Officer, a position held by Professional Pridatect, S.L. with NIF B- B67077727, and register officer in Avenida Josep Tarradellas, 123, 6º Barcelona, 08006, by writing to the email address legal@pridatect.com
he data of the data subjects will be communicated, if necessary, to the public administrations and entities that are necessary for the fulfillment of the purpose for which they were collected. In addition, Ontruck may transfer the data to third parties with whom it has signed a contract for the provision of services as Data Processor. In this case, we inform you that Ontruck has different recipients:
In case the User uses the APP, data will be stored in Google Cloud (Frankfurt, Germany) and Digital Ocean (Amsterdam, Netherlands).
In accordance with current regulations, data subjects may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation, limitation of processing, portability and opposition by contacting Ontruck at the following email address privacy@Ontruck.com or by sending your request to the postal address Príncipe de Vergara 109, 2º planta, 28002 Madrid.
Ontruck will process the data in a lawful, loyal, transparent, adequate, relevant, limited, accurate and up-to-date manner. That is why it undertakes to take all reasonable measures, technical and organizational, to ensure that these are deleted or rectified without delay when they are inaccurate, as well as, in general, all measures necessary to ensure the security, confidentiality and integrity of them and avoid their alteration, loss, or unauthorized access.
Ontruck will keep the data for the legally established period of time.
In any case, if the Stakeholders do not communicate otherwise, we understand that their data have not been modified.
The data subjects may, at any time, address the competent Control Authority to submit the claim they consider appropriate. In this case, the competent Authority will be that of www.aepd.com.
Ontruck reports that it has proceeded to create a profile on social networks Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Linkedin, Google+, Blog (the "Social Networks"), with the main purpose of advertising their products and service.
In case the User has a profile in any of the referred Social Networks and decides to join the pages created by Ontruck, by joining our page, he expressly consents to the processing of those personal data published in his profile.
The Social Network User can access at any time the privacy policies of the Social Network itself, as well as configure their profile to ensure their privacy.
Ontruck has access to and processes that public information of the User, especially his contact’s name. This data is only used within the Social Network itself. They are not incorporated into any file.
In relation to the rights of access, rectification, cancellation, limitation of processing, portability and opposition, they can be exercised before NINJATRUCK S.L. In accordance with current data protection regulations. In this regard, the following nuances should be considered:
Ontruck will perform the following actions:
The user can always control their connections, remove content that no longer interests them and restrict who they share their connections with. To do this, they must access their privacy settings.
The User, once joined the Ontruck page in the corresponding social network, may publish in the latter comments, links, images or photographs or any other type of multimedia content supported by the Social Network.
The User, in all cases, must be the owner of the same, enjoy the copyright and intellectual property rights or have the consent of the third parties concerned.
Any publication, whether text, graphics, photographs, videos, etc., which violates or is likely to violate morals, ethics, good taste or decorum, and/or which infringes, violates or violates intellectual or industrial property rights, the right to an image or the law is expressly prohibited. In these cases, Ontruck reserves the right to immediately remove the content, and may request the permanent blocking of the User.
Ontruck will not be responsible for the content that a User has freely published.
The User must bear in mind that his publications will be known by other Users, so he is primarily responsible for their privacy.
Images that may be published on the site will not be stored in any file by Ontruck,but will remain on the Social Network.
Ontruck reserves the right to conduct contests and promotions, in which the User can participate by linking to its site. The rules of each of them, when using the platform of the Social Network, will be published in the same, always complying with the LSSI-CE and any other rule that applies.
The Social Network does not sponsor, endorse or otherwise administer any of our promotions, nor is it associated with any of them.
Ontruck will use the Social Network to advertise their products and services, in any case, if you decide to process your contact information for direct marketing actions, it will always follow the legal requirements of the current legislation on data protection and the LSSICE.
Recommending the Ontruck site to other users so that they too can enjoy the promotions or be informed of their activity will not be considered advertising.
Finally, we detail the link to the privacy policy of the Social Network:
The user is solely responsible for the truthfulness and correctness of the data provided through any of the forms on the website, exonerating Ontruck of any responsibility in this regard. Users guarantee and respond, in any case, the accuracy, validity and authenticity of personal data provided, and undertake to keep them properly updated. The user agrees to provide complete and correct information in the forms that he or she fills out.
Ontruck is not responsible for the veracity of information that is not of its own making and of which another source is indicated, so it does not assume any responsibility for hypothetical damage that may arise from the use of such information.
Ontruck is exempt from liability for any damage or harm that the user may suffer as a result of errors, defects or omissions in the information provided by Ontruck provided that it comes from sources outside it.
As a general rule, Ontruck will not process data of minors for the realization of the processing and services provided by Ontruck, as it is an essential requirement of the recruitment that they are not minors.
Full name, company, identity number, country, e-mail address, contact number, work status (self-employee, employed, etc.), type of vehicle, plate number, service area, login, password, preferred language, transportation license, insurance number, performance measure.
Provision of intermediation service
Article 6.1.a) GDPR “consent”.
E-mail, name
Send e-mails with Ontruck’s news
Article 6.1.a) GDPR “consent”.
Location data, location of origin, location of arrival, hour of laod, hour of delivery.
To execute the contractual relationship and to share it with the user whose order has been executed
Article 6.1.a) GDPR “consent”.
Reference, full name, identity number, transportation license, performance measure, POD photo, location data, etc.
Provide support to the App user ��trough the chat, e-mail o teléfono
Article 6.1.f) “Legitimate interest”.
POD photo, payment details, e-mail, bank account number.
Billing and payment / Ontruck’s duties as taxpayer.
Article 6.1.a) GDPR “consent”.
Full name, identity number, type of vehicle, plate number, transportation license, performance measure, POD photo, payment details, location data, location of origin, location of arrival, hour of load, hour of delivery.
Manage and execute user complaints related to incidents with orders, problems with delivery or with the hauler and, in general, incidents generated during the use of the APP
Article 6.1.f) “Legitimate interest”.
Full name, company, identity number, country, e-mail address, contact number, work status (self-employee, employed, etc.), type of vehicle, plate number, service area, login, password, preferred language, transportation license, insurance number, performance measure
Provision of intermediation service
Article 6.1.a) GDPR “consent”.
E-mail, name
Send e-mails with Ontruck’s news
Article 6.1.a) GDPR “consent”.
Location data, location of origin, location of arrival, hour of laod, hour of delivery.
To execute the contractual relationship and to share it with the user whose order has been executed
Article 6.1.a) GDPR “consent”.
Reference, full name, identity number, transportation license, performance measure, POD photo, location data, etc.
Provide support to the App user trough the chat, e-mail o teléfono
Article 6.1.f) “Legitimate interest”.
POD photo, payment details, e-mail, bank account number.
Billing and payment / Ontruck’s duties as taxpayer.
Article 6.1.a) GDPR “consent”.
Full name, identity number, type of vehicle, plate number, transportation license, performance measure, POD photo, payment details, location data, location of origin, location of arrival, hour of load, hour of delivery.
Manage and execute user complaints related to incidents with orders, problems with delivery or with the hauler and, in general, incidents generated during the use of the APP
Article 6.1.f) “Legitimate interest”.
Ontruck may receive your location data in the event that the user have consented to this function directly from its mobile phone when installing the App or during its first use, both when using or not using the APP. Please know that we use this location data for the purpose of being shared with users who place orders that have been previously accepted by the you to carry.
The App collects users’ data location in the background. This is critical to the app’s core functionality of assigning loads to the hauler, adjusting routes, calculating stops, and detailing journeys, etc. This location data can be used for the purposes of providing assistance in the event of an incidence.
To avoid being tracked, the user can always disable the location through your mobile phone.
The data requested by Ontruck is necessary to carry out the activity and to offer the intermediary services. The total or partial refusal of the hauler to provide the requested data or the consent withdrawal will have as a consequence the impossibility to use the intermediation service.
In order to follow-up loads and provide a consistent, reliable service to our clients, the user must update your status in real-time.
We keep personal data for different periods, depending on the type of information, the period of our contract with our users, legal requirements regarding certain types of data, and other factors.
Ontruck's website and social networks use cookies to optimize and personalize your browsing experience. Cookies are physical files of information that are hosted on the user's own terminal, the information collected through cookies serves to facilitate user navigation through the portal and optimize the browsing experience. The data collected through cookies can be shared with the creators of these, but in no case will the information obtained by them be associated with personal data or data that can identify the user. However, if the user does not want cookies to be installed on his or her hard drive, he or she can configure the browser in such a way as to prevent the installation of these files. For more information, please refer to our Cookie Policy https://Ontruck.com/en/cookies-policy.
Security breaches can be caused by workers, third parties or computer errors. Therefore, we are legally obliged to notify the data subjects if their personal data has been seriously affected within a maximum period of 72 hours. In addition, users will be notified as soon as the security breach is resolved in the event that it has a major impact.
Ontruck implements state of the art security standards to prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the correct use of information. We also implement appropriate organizational measures to protect your information.
We apply our security standards also when working with business and technology partners. We only select and contract with processors and third parties who use appropriate security measures and provide sufficient guarantees, including technical and organizational measures, to ensure the appropriate protection of the data we entrust with them.
Moreover, Ontruck’s employees have signed a Non-Disclosure Agreement or clause in connection to their employment and we have set internal processes such as continuous training and policies that are frequently updated to ensure the availability and resilience of our systems and services. Additionally, Ontruck has a defined an incident response plan in case of a physical or technical incident.
This privacy policy is subject to change. We recommend that you review the privacy policy from time to time.
Last update April 2021
In compliance with Law 34/2002 of 11 July, of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce ("LSSICE"), NINJATRUCK, S.L. ("Ontruck") informs that it is the owner of the website www.Ontruck.com. In accordance with the requirement of Article 10 of that law, Ontruck reports the following information:
The owner of this website is NINJATRUCK, S.L. a Spanish company located in Madrid, Príncipe de Vergara 109, 2º floor, 28002 Madrid. and registered in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid, volume 34.074, page 208, sheet M-613038, with NIF B-98.732.290. The e-mail address to contact the company is: privacy@Ontruck.com
The purpose of this document (the "Conditions of Use") is to establish and regulate the rules of use (including mere access) of the web pages that make up the www.Ontruck.com website, including the content, data and information made available on them, "Website" being understood to mean all the pages and their contents that are accessed through the domain www.Ontruck.com.
The mere access to the website www.ontruck.com attributes the condition of user (the "User"), and expresses the full and unreserved acceptance by the User of each and every one of the provisions contained in these Terms of Use, so it is understood that anyone who accesses this site agrees to be bound by them, so the User must read these Terms of Use carefully.
Certain contents of the Ontruck Web Site contain the possibility of contracting by Internet and, since certain services are exclusive to registered users (the "Registered Users"), their access is restricted and also subject to the General Conditions of Contract of the Ontruck Service (either for Carriers or for Shippers, as the case may be). Consequently and for the purposes of clarification, there are certain services that are exclusive to Registered Users, services that are subject to particular conditions, regulations and instructions that, where appropriate, complete and/or modify these Terms of Use and must be known and accepted by the Registered User at the time of registration.
In any case, Ontruck reserves the right to modify, extend or temporarily suspend, and at any time, unilaterally and without prior notice, the presentation, technical specifications and configuration of the Ontruck Web Site and its contents and services, as well as these Terms of Use or the corresponding General Conditions of Contracting of the Ontruck Service (for Carriers or Shippers, as the case may be).
Ontruck does not guarantee: (i) the availability, continuity, nonexistence of deficiencies and security of the Web Site; (ii) that the content of the Web Site or the information that passes through it is free of viruses or other harmful elements, as well as errors, omissions or inaccuracies; and (iii) the privacy and security of the user's use of the Web Site. Consequently, the User assumes any risks that may arise from the use of the Website.
The content of the Website is merely informative of the services of Ontruck. The link established between the User and Ontruck through the consultation of the Web Site in no way constitutes a professional relationship or a contractual relationship.
The Ontruck website provides a variety of information and data. The User assumes responsibility for the correct use of the Site. This responsibility shall extend to:
The distinctive signs, designs, texts, images, illustrations, photographs, and other content found on the Web Site and any other intellectual creations and / or inventions are owned by Ontruck or third parties.
Third parties are also informed that Ninjatruck has registered its European trademark and that the use of the trademark without prior express authorization is strictly prohibited.
The User may not use the content without the express written consent of Ontruck or its rightful owner, obtaining only an authorization to view the content through their navigation on the Website.
It is not allowed, the reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation, making available, nor the establishment of links to the Ontruck page from another page or website, or any other form of exploitation of the content without the prior written permission of Ontruck or its rightful owner.
If any User or third party considers that any of the existing content on the Website involves an infringement of the rights of intellectual property protection or is in any way illegal, harmful to the rights or interests of others or contrary to public order or morality, you may notify Ontruck at the email address privacy@ontruck.com
The User is obliged to make correct use of the Website in accordance with the Law and these Conditions of Use. The User will respond to Ontruck or to third parties for any damages that may be caused as a result of a breach of this obligation.
It is expressly prohibited to use the Web Site for purposes that are harmful to the property or interests of Ontruck or third parties or that otherwise overload, damage or disable the networks, servers, and other computer equipment (hardware) or computer products and applications (software) of Ontruck or third parties.
Ontruck reserves the right to prevent or prohibit access to the Web Site to any Internet user who introduces any illegal content on this Web Site, which violates the rights or interests of others or which is contrary to these Terms of Use or current legislation, reserving the right to exercise the legal measures it deems appropriate to prevent such conduct. The User therefore undertakes not to use the Website in an unlawful manner, in violation of the rights or interests of third parties or in any way contrary to these Terms of Use or current legislation.
All information that may be provided by the User to Ontruck through the forms on the website or any other must be truthful. For this purpose, the User guarantees the authenticity of all data communicated and will keep the information provided to Ontruck perfectly updated so that it responds, at all times, to the real situation of the User. In any case, the User will be solely responsible for any false or inaccurate statements made and the damage caused to Ontruck or third parties for the information provided.
Ontruck will in no case be responsible for::
It is up to the User, in any case, the availability of appropriate tools for the detection and disinfection of harmful computer programs. Access to the Website requires services and supplies from third parties, including transport through telecommunications networks whose reliability, quality, continuity, and operation does not correspond to Ontruck.
The Application, website and/or services may include software components supplied by third parties that are used with the permission of the respective licensors and/or copyright holders on the terms provided by those parties. Ontruck incorporates links and third-party websites always with the express permission of both parties.
Ontruck is not responsible for the activity that the user performs in the respective links to which it accesses, since Ontruck provides these links merely for information purposes and is not responsible for the content or services offered by these websites. Please note that your use of third-party software will be governed by the terms of use and privacy policies of third-party providers.
In compliance with the provisions of current regulations on protection of personal data, personal data and information of users, will be incorporated into the Register of Activities for the Processing of Personal Data owned by Ontruck, in order to facilitate navigation through the website and access to information and services (in particular, for the issuance of invoices for the provision of services of Ontruck).
In compliance with current regulations, Ontruck reports that the data will be kept for the time strictly necessary to meet the services provided and legal obligations.
Likewise, the data will be processed in a legal, loyal, transparent, adequate, pertinent, limited, exact and updated manner. That is why Ontruck undertakes to take all reasonable technical and security measures to ensure that these are deleted or rectified without delay when they are inaccurate or untruthful.
The User expressly consents to the processing of the data when using the Web Site, although he may withdraw his consent, at any time, by sending an e-mail to privacy@Ontruck.com or by addressing his request to the postal address Príncipe de Vergara 109, 2º planta, 28002 Madrid.
The User declares and accepts the right of Ontruck to use your user data, for the purpose of including their content in the Platform to create Anonymous Data and use them for any purpose, including improving the own service of intermediation of Ontruck.
Likewise, in any of the electronic forms, the express consent of the Users may be requested in order to send them commercial communications by any means, including e-mail or equivalent electronic communication means, in accordance with the provisions of Article 21 LSSICE.
In any case, the Users can contact the Delegate of Protection of Information of Ontruck, position that holds Pridatect, S.L., with NIF B67077727, with address in Avenida Josep Tarradellas, Barcelona.
The data of the Users will be communicated, if necessary, to the public administrations and entities that were necessary for the fulfillment of the purpose for which they were collected. In addition, Ontruck may transfer the data to third parties with whom it has signed a contract for the provision of services as Data Processor to carry out specific purposes.
Also and in particular, the User knows that in the course of the execution of an Ontruck contract, the User gives his data to other users, for the realization of the corresponding Transport Service, as long as this is necessary for the execution of the contract.
In accordance with current regulations, users may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation, limitation of processing, portability and opposition by contacting Ontruck at the following email address privacy@ontruck.com or by sending your request to the postal address Príncipe de Vergara 109, 2º planta, 28002 Madrid.
The Users will be able to go, at any time, to the competent Control Authority to present the claim that they consider opportune, in this one would be before the www.aepd.com.
The information contained in the e-mails and/or the attachment(s) of the e-mails sent from any e-mail address of the @ontruck.com domain is confidential and privileged and is intended to be read only by the recipients to whom it is addressed. Such information is also the property of the sender and it is prohibited to disclose, copy or distribute it to third parties without prior written authorization from the sender.
If you receive an email and are not the intended recipient, the employee or agent responsible for delivering the message to the recipient, or receive an email in error, the recipient must notify you immediately, return the email and/or its attachment(s) to the sender's address and proceed to destroy it.
Personal data derived from communications via email will be incorporated into the processing system of NINJATRUCK SL, being applicable the provisions of Clause 6 above.
Ontruck's performance of all or part of its obligations will be suspended in the event of an act of God or force majeure that prevents or delays performance. The following in particular shall be considered as such, but not limited to: war, pandemic, riot, insurrection, social unrest, adverse weather conditions, strikes of any nature, and supply problems not attributable to the same. Ontruck will inform the client of such a fortuitous event or force majeure within seven days of its occurrence. In the event that such suspension is prolonged beyond a period of fifteen days, the client will then have the possibility to cancel the order in progress and will then proceed to its reimbursement under the conditions of the contract concluded with Ontruck.
Ontruck reserves the right to modify these general conditions to adapt them to any change or new regulations, for technical reasons, for changes in the services offered by Ontruck or for strategic decisions of the company. In these cases, this website will provide reasonable advance notice of changes to the data protection policy and when they will take full effect. No changes will affect orders that are in progress.
If the user is not satisfied with the changes, he or she must stop using the website. The use of the website after the changes have been made will imply the acceptance of these changes by the users.
Ontruck also reserves the right to bring civil or criminal actions it deems appropriate for the misuse of its website and content, or for breach of these Terms of Use of the Website.
The relationship between the User and Ontruck will be governed by the regulations in force and applicable in the Spanish territory. If any dispute arises regarding the interpretation, enforcement or implementation of these Terms of Use or applicable regulations, the parties agree to submit expressly to the jurisdiction of the competent judges and courts of Madrid, unless the applicable rules on jurisdiction and competence establishes a different jurisdiction in this regard.
Please read this document carefully before making and using the Ontruck app. This document contains the Terms and Conditions of the App developed by Ninjatruck, S.L.
NINJATRUCK, S.L., a company with registered office in Madrid, at Príncipe de Vergara 109, 2nd floor, 28002 Madrid, and registered in the Mercantile Register of Madrid, volume 34.074, page 208, page M-613038, with Tax Identification Number B-98.732.290 (hereinafter, "Ontruck" or the "Company"), has developed an application in the field of land transport, which is why these terms and conditions are important insofar as they develop the content of the App.
These Terms and Conditions of Use regulate the rules governing the use of the Application that Ontruck has developed (hereinafter, the "APP"), which can be downloaded from play store and apple store. The download or use of the APP confers the status of User to whoever does so and implies acceptance of all the conditions included in this document and in Ontruck's Privacy Policy and Legal Notice.
Ontruck has developed an App, which has a triple purpose; firstly, the assignment and acceptance of loads, secondly, the updating of statuses in real time, and thirdly and lastly, the management of documentation.
The use of the App by the user must be done in a responsible manner and in accordance with current legislation, good faith, these Terms and Conditions and respecting the intellectual and industrial property rights owned by Ontruck.
The App has complementary purposes to the transport services offered by carriers and companies in the normal performance of their services.
The use of any of the contents of the App for purposes that are or may be unlawful is strictly prohibited, as well as the performance of any action that causes or may cause damage or alterations of any kind not consented to by Ontruck, to the App or its contents.
You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the use of any username and email address with which you have registered to access and use the Ontruck services. You are also responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and account and are fully responsible for all activities that occur under that account and password. In addition, you agree to: (a) inform Ontruck immediately upon detection of any unauthorised use of your password, account, or any other security breach; and (b) ensure that you exit from the Application at the end of your session. Ontruck cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to comply with these obligations.
The App that Ontruck has developed and made available to users is completely free of charge, without prejudice to the fact that Ontruck reserves the right to modify the price of the App in the future.
The application is downloaded from Google Play and Apple Store, depending on whether the device is android or apple.
Ontruck has developed and is the full and exclusive owner and holder of all Industrial and Intellectual Property rights over the Application, as well as its updates, improvements, revisions, extensions, modifications, adaptations, rectifications, translations, or new versions. Ontruck reserves all other rights not expressly granted under this Agreement.
The user undertakes to respect and maintain the Industrial and Intellectual Property rights of the Application, as well as the documentation and information that Ontruck places at its disposal in compliance with the provisions of these conditions.
Users shall cooperate with Ontruck in the protection of such Industrial and Intellectual Property rights of the Application, or of any other Industrial and Intellectual Property rights of Ontruck and shall notify Ontruck of any infringement of such rights of which the User becomes aware directly or indirectly.
The user acknowledges that the reproduction, modification, distribution, commercialisation, decompilation, disassembly, use of reverse engineering techniques or any other means to obtain the source code, transformation or publication of any unauthorised reference test results of any of the elements and utilities integrated within the development constitutes an infringement of Ontruck's intellectual property rights and consequently undertakes not to carry out any of the aforementioned actions.
In accordance with the applicable regulations, we inform you that Ontruck is responsible for the processing of your personal data, which are necessary for the use of the App described in these conditions. The data requested will be name, surname, email, address, telephone and geolocation.
The purposes carried out are managing the app, activating and managing the user's account when applicable, answering requests, and maintaining the app. Ontruck will not store any data on its server.
The legal basis for the processing of your data is the download of the App by the user. In general, your data will not be passed on to third parties, unless legally obliged to do so and unless it is necessary to carry out our service.
Your personal data will be kept for as long as the user uses the App. In all other cases, the personal data provided will be kept for as long as the data subject does not request its deletion, in which case we will block it.
In accordance with applicable law, you have the right of access, the right to rectify the processing of your data, and the right to withdraw your consent, where the lawful basis for the processing is based on consent.
In certain circumstances, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable legislation, you may exercise your rights of restriction of processing and portability, in which case we will only retain them for the exercise or defence of claims.
You are also informed that Ontruck has implemented all the technical and organisational measures necessary to carry out the processing of your data.
You may exercise your rights by sending an email to privacy@ontruck.com with proof of your identity. Finally, in accordance with the applicable legislation, we inform you that you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency regarding the processing of your data.
You are informed that the personal data provided through the acceptance of these Terms and Conditions, will form part of a Register of Processing Activity responsibility of Ontruck, and that these will be processed for the purposes described in this document and will be retained for the duration of the use of the App, with the sole purpose of facilitating the introduction of improvements in future versions of the Application, may also be made the processing of information on user access, screens and user interaction and blocking and exceptions. You are also informed that you may withdraw your consent at any time and exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, portability, limitation and opposition by sending an e-mail to the following address:
The data is stored within the European Union, thus complying with the guarantees provided by the European Personal Data Protection Regulation.
Ontruck declares that it has adopted the necessary measures that, within its possibilities and the state of technology, allow the correct functioning of the Application, as well as the absence of harmful components. However, Ontruck cannot be held responsible for the following situations, which are listed by way of example, but not limited to:
Ontruck may temporarily suspend, without prior notice, accessibility to the Application for the purpose of maintenance, repair, updating or improvement operations. Consequently, Ontruck shall in no event be liable for any damages that may arise from the lack of availability or accessibility of the Application or the interruption in the operation of the platform. However, whenever circumstances permit, Ontruck shall inform the user, with sufficient advance notice, of the date on which the content is expected to be suspended
Except as set out in these terms and conditions, Ontruck is not liable for any loss or damage arising in connection with the downloading or use of the Application, such as those arising as a result of any failure, breakdown or blockage in the operation of the Application. Likewise, Ontruck shall not be liable for any damage caused as a result of improper or inappropriate use of the Application by users.
Ontruck reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions to adapt them to any changes or new regulations, for technical reasons, due to changes in the services offered by Ontruck or due to strategic decisions of the company. In these cases, the changes to be made to the data protection policy will be communicated by e-mail, with reasonable notice, and as of when they will come into full effect.
If the User does not agree with the changes, he/she must stop using the Application. The use of the platform after the changes have been made shall constitute acceptance of the changes by the Users.
You can contact us at the above address. You can also contact us by e-mail at privacy@ontruck.com as long as the computer from which you connect has a properly configured and operative e-mail programme.