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Six reasons why plastic pallets are still gaining traction

Lighter, more resistant and more hygienic, plastic pallets are gaining on wooden pallets. Every day, more hauliers are using them to transport goods, while benefitting from their advantages.

Plastic pallets are on their way up

Metal, cardboard, aluminium, fibreboard… And, of course, wood. Although wood is still predominantly used to produce pallets, every day, plastic gains more traction. The advantages of plastic pallets mean their market share is increasing, and in the next few years, it is possible that we will witness one of the most significant changes in the transportation industry in quite some time.
Plastic pallets are produced with far-ranging measurements, going from the smallest dimensions (400 mm x 600 mm) to the largest (1200 mm x 1200 mm). Between these two extremes, pallets can measure 800 mm x 1200 mm, 1000 mm x 1200 mm, 1100 mm x 1300 mm and 1140 mm x 1140 mm.

Lighter weight, greater resistance

Plastic pallets have many noteworthy features, but two of the most important are invisible: their lighter weight and greater resistance. In a sector in which weight plays such a decisive role, reducing it is a competitive advantage because it lowers the cost of fuel for each journey. Moreover, plastic has lastingly high resistance. That cannot be said for wood, which is affected by impacts and tends to warp and split.

Longer useful life

Plastic pallets can last up to five times longer than wooden pallets. The thermoplastics used to produce them are designed to be resistant to sudden changes in temperature, impacts, friction and falls, as well as bacteria. Nor do basic or acidic chemical products compromise their useful life.


While wooden pallets require regular maintenance due to splinters, loose boards or protruding nails, plastic pallets do not require maintenance. That is another reason why they are more economical in the medium and long term. With only an occasional wash, their condition is always as it was on the first day. Repairs are simple and do not require specialised personnel.


The manual handling of a pallet always implies a certain risk, as wood can contain splinters or protruding parts that may prove harmful. Plastic pallets eliminate that risk and are consequently safer for hauliers and transport operators.

Less of a waste of space

Plastic pallets can be stacked, which optimises storage space when they are not in use. When stacked, they take up far less space than wooden pallets.

More ecological

Plastic pallets are 100% recyclable, so when they are no longer of use, they can be recycled to produce new units. Wooden pallets are made from tree felling, which is not as ecological.

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